Find the value of: cosec(-1485°)


Here, to find the value of cosec at -1485° angle we need to make sure that we know the CAST FORMULA. We might need to use formula of cosec at 90-x or 90+x or 180+x or 360-x and so on.

But how do we know which one is the correct? So, let me give you a quick trick!

We have,

Let's try to reduce it somewhere around (0°) by adding (360°)
Here we start,

(-1485° + 360°) = (-1125°)
(-1125° + 360°) = (-765°)
(-765° + 360°) = (-405°)
(-405° + 360°) = (-45°)

We got the value less than 360°

Now we know that

Cosec (-x) = - Cosec x
Cosec (-1485°) = Cosec(-45°) = -Cosec 45° = -√2

So, there we go. A detail explanation on finding the values of Cosec(-1485°).

You can get more help by visiting these useful links:

Link: Compound Angles
Link: Values of Trigonometric Ratios
Link: Introduction To Trigonometry
